In Dungeon Sessions
I remain steadfast in My screening protocol; you must take a COVID test before our session. Positive tests will result in no session. Wear a mask when traveling and around people. Do not be discourteous and bring any illness or sickness to My dungeon. Stay home.
Approved applicants will follow ALL screening, testing protocol, and will pay deposit up front.
It is only after you have read these instructions clearly that you may apply by clicking the button at the bottom of this page.
Most requirements for masking have loosened considerably. I continue to mask whenever I am out in public and strongly suggest YOU DO THE SAME.
I have adapted My application process to reflect present day considerations. Along with other pertinent information, I'm requiring any and all supplicants to include their:
Government Issued ID as well as
proof of your COVID-19 vaccinations +BOOSTERS!
You will be asked to take a COVID test the day before your booking to ensure safety for both parties. If you have a positive test result, test again. A second positive result will mean a reschedule, no exceptions.
My intake form is designed to make it easy for you to provide all necessary information and documents in one place!
This information is for Me to verify you are who you say you are. As soon as your identity and vaccine status have been cleared with Me, the documents will be destroyed.
Ready to begin?
Complete My application outlining your interests and ideal scene. Send a deposit if you want to book your session.
If you fail to send deposit, I will not book with you.
Its very simple.
When you come to My very well equipped dungeon in Seattle or San Francisco, understand this: these places are sacred, BDSM ritual spaces. It is expected that you will follow all rules and be on your best behavior.
1. You must show proof of vaccinations and present a negative test before our session. NO EXCEPTIONS.
2. Goddess Charlotte is in charge. Any space I choose to occupy and invite you in is Mine and you will follow EVERY one of My directions. Failure to do so will be met with swift expulsion. You will address Me as "Goddess" or "Mistress" and thank Me for the opportunity to submit. Obedience and respect are expected of you.
3. Have tribute ready before session begins.
4. DO NOT REMOVE YOUR MASK UNTIL YOU HAVE BEEN GIVEN PERMISSION TO DO SO. If you present a negative test upon entry, you will wash your hands vigorously before we begin.
5. DO NOT TOUCH ANYTHING unless it is required of you.
7. My Seattle dungeon features a full bathroom with shower. You will be expected to shower before our session.​
8. No Brats or Bratty behavior. I cultivate an environment of trust and bratty behavior is disruptive to that.
9. Discretion. All events that transpire within the dungeon remain confidential. This goes both ways. ​
10. I require a thank you note. Your Goddess works hard to spin your fantasies into realities. Email Me and show your gratitude!
All rates are for time and any extra supplies needed for our session. Rates non-negotiable.
2 Hour 800
3 Hour 1200
4 Hour 1600
5 Hour 2000
FTT 1000+
FMTY 3000+
As of this writing, I do not have an ADA accessible dungeon in Seattle. While there are facilities to shower, there are level changes that could be daunting for creaky knees. Clean towels are available.
I continue to speak on ADA accessible dungeons in Seattle so that eventually our city has appropriate accommodations for all Kinksters.
I've recently gained access to a beautiful Oakland space that is ADA compliant. Please do inquire if you are someone who may need some accommodations, I am happy to welcome you. The space has an open floor plan and shower access.
This dungeon is in the heart of Silicon Valley; it has an initial step to overcome, then it is navigable once inside. Please shower before arriving. There will not be one available.
ALL of these spaces are well appointed with hard points, restraints, toys, whips, canes, dungeon furniture including mechanical winches for any suspension needs.
If you have a toy, a garment, or dungeon gear that you wish to bring with you, please DISCREETLY pack it in a secured bag or suitcase luggage.